Hello every one today we will speak about Renaissance Art
Renaissance art is a form of communication and dissemination of existing aconceptiilor society. Italian Renaissance stimulated
creativity and diversification of expression, emphasizing individual genius of the creator. No chance now appeared coceptul artist. Lives of architects, painters and sculptors have been studied by Giorgio Vasari, the architect himself
and painter. Although they came from all walks of life, the artists were united by universal human rights to which they aspired. Bremen, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo illustrates this ideal. As creative artists we meet in some ways: painters, sculptors, poets, architects, engineers, inventors, artists Many works were created in order for institutions or influential people who offered them protection (Pope, kings, noble families).
Renaissance artists are concerned with ancient pagan models. They try to develop styles that were created rediscovered ancient works now.
Urban civil architecture is represented by the construction of villas and palaces (Medici and Strozzi, Florence, the Louvre, Paris), castles (Blois), municipal buildings (the Clock Tower and Doges Palace, Venice, halls of Ypres) and public squares (the Capitol Market Rome).
Religious symbols cathedrals architecture is Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence and St. Peter's in Rome. Domes designed and developed by Filippo, Brunelleschi and Michelangelo impressed by the technical and artistic innovations. Alteconstructii as Tempietto in Rome, designed by Bramante, is distinguished by small size and elegant proportions.
The painting raised a variety of topics: mythological scenes (Birth of Venus Botticelli, love the sacred and profane love Tiziano Vecellio), biblical scenes (dinVatican Sistine Chapel frescoes by Michelangelo), allegory (School of Athens by Raphael), images battles (Battle of San Romano, by Paulo Ucello) and
aspects of everyday life (Peasant Dance by Pieter Bruegel). Arts
Medieval Renaissance showing predilection break with tradition
for making nudity (Sleeping Venus by Giorgione, Adam
Eve of Albrech pain) and madonnas (Sistine Madonna by Raphael).
Male portraits are the most popular man with the blue cap,
by Jan van Eyck and Francis I, Jean Clouet. Renaissance Artists
have left and self-portraits (Da Vinci, Tiziano, pain).
Representation techniques were different: fresco painting, sketch
And drawing. Reasterea imposed definitive perspective painting
bioculara geometry and the illusion of projection, the action continued in
outside the framework, color indrazdet, nuanced gradation of
intensity light (chiaroscuro).
Variety of sculptural forms increased significantly, statues
Riding is simple and worked in marble or bronze. The first major
sculpture of Donatello and Andrea were Renaserii Verrochio authors
the two statues were you David. Largest
Renaissance sculptor Michelangelo was representative. Papers
its most important are: David and Moses, allegories Day,
Night, Dawn, slavery and twilight, Pieta groups
(Virgin Mary with Christ crucified) and marble reliefs
(Virgin and Child, Battle). Of wood and copper engraving
was one of the arts in which he excelled pain: Knights of the apocalypse,
Melancon. It was the only way to achieve
printed book illustrations.
Artistic expression of humanism, diverse forms
show and the topics, constituted a challenge to
Human and Europe.
Romanian version
Bună ziua , azi vom vorbi despre arta Renasterii
arta renascentista este o formă de comunicare şi difuzare a societăţii aconceptiilor existente. Renaşterea italiană a stimulat
creativitatea şi diversificarea de exprimare, subliniind geniul individual al creatorului. Nici o şansă de a apărut acum coceptul artist. Locuieşte de arhitecţi, pictori şi sculptori au fost studiate de Giorgio Vasari, el însuşi arhitect
şi pictor. Deşi au venit din toate categoriile sociale, artistii au fost unite de drepturile universale ale omului, la care au aspirat. Bremen, Rafael, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo ilustreaza acest ideal. Ca artisti creativ ne vom întâlni în unele moduri: pictori, sculptori, poeţi, arhitecţi, ingineri, inventatori, lucrări Mulţi artişti au fost create pentru institutii sau persoane influente care le-a oferit protecţie (regi Papa,, familiile nobile).
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