This is a true masterpiece and a national treasure, and here is some information about the painter:
Nicolae Grigorescu was born in the village Pitaru (Dambovita county), was the sixth child of John and Mary Grigorescu. In 1845, When the father dies, HIS family in the slums brickyard Moved to Bangalore in the house frosted. After a year early apprenticeship (1848-1850), the Czech artist Anton Chladek workshop running icons for Churches and Monastery Băicoi Caldarusani. In 1856 Michael made the historic composition of dropping the banner, Which has ordered that Prince Barbu, together with the petition requesting Financial aid for studies. During the Years 1856-1857 he painted the new Church of the Monastery Zamfira (Prahova county), Then by the year 1861, Agapia Minster. MK's intervention, SHE appreciates the quality of painting, Receiving the Scholarship to Study in Paris.
In autumn 1861, young Grigorescu left for Paris, enter the School of Fine Arts, attending Sebastien Cornu's studio, Renoir Where colleague. Aware of His Own artistic deficiencies in the band, Will Study first the design and composition.
Nicolae Grigorescu - Fishermen at Granville (1884) - Collection Dr Dona
But soon leave this workshop and artistic concepts drawn from the Barbizon School in this city is ESTABLISHED, education Completing HIS painter by assimilating the experience of artists like Millet, Corot, Gustave Courbet and Théodore Rousseau. Influenced by this artistic environment, Grigorescu is concerned about the acquisition of innovative ways of artistic expression in worship atmosphere for painting "en plein-air, close to asserting that prepares Impressionists. Under the Universal Exhibition in Paris (1867), part seven works exhibit at the Paris Salon of 1868 painting Young Gypsy, returns Several times in the country and, since 1870, participating in exhibitions of living artists and those organized The "Arts Amica Bellelor. During the Years 1873-1874 Made Study Tours in Italy (Rome Naples, Pompeii), Greece and Vienna.
Nicolae Grigorescu - cheerful Peasant Woman (1894) - National Gallery, Dublin
Be convened in 1877 to accompany the Romanian army as the "Painter of War", making the spot to Rahova Grivitza Battles and Sketches and drawings, Which Will form the basis of compositions.
From 1879 Until 1890, working mainly in France or in Brittany in vitro, either In His studio in Paris. Returned to the country Several solo exhibitions open at Romanian Athenaeum between 1891 and 1904.
1890 is set at Campina and is dedicated mostly rustic Subjects in the year endless variation of the ground, painting portraits of Peasant girls, who steers with the dusty country Many Roads and landscapes typical Romanian. In 1899 appointed Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy.
Nicolae Grigorescu dies on July 21, 1907 in Campina. The workshop, on the easel, was HIS last work, unfinished, Return of the fair.
Romanina version
Here is some information about Nicolae Grigorescu Nicolae Grigorescu was born in the village Pitaru (Dambovita county), was the sixth child of John and Mary Grigorescu. In 1845, when the father dies, his family moved to Bucharest in slums brickyard in a house frosted. After an early apprenticeship (1848-1850), the Czech artist Anton Chladek workshop, running icons for churches and monastery Băicoi Caldarusani. In 1856 Michael made the historic composition of dropping the banner, which has Prince Barbu Stirbei, together with a petition requesting financial aid for studies. In the years 1856-1857 he painted the new church of the monastery Zamfira (Prahova county), then by the year 1861, Agapia minster. MK's intervention, she appreciates the quality of painting, receiving a scholarship to study in Paris.
In autumn 1861, young Grigorescu left for Paris, enter the School of Fine Arts, attending Sebastien Cornu's studio, where Renoir colleague. Aware of his own artistic deficiencies in the band, will study first the design and composition.
Nicolae Grigorescu - fishermen at Granville (1884) - Collection Dr Dona
But soon leave this workshop and artistic concepts drawn from the Barbizon School, is established in this city, completing his education painter by assimilating the experience of artists like Millet, Corot, Gustave Courbet and Théodore Rousseau. Influenced by this artistic environment, Grigorescu is concerned about the acquisition of innovative ways of artistic expression in worship atmosphere for painting "en plein-air, close to asserting that prepares Impressionists. Under the "Universal Exhibition in Paris (1867), part seven works exhibit at the Paris Salon of 1868 painting Young Gypsy, returns several times in the country and, since 1870, participating in exhibitions of living artists and those organized The "Arts Amica Bellelor. In the years 1873-1874 made study tours in Italy (Rome, Naples, Pompeii), Greece and Vienna.
Nicolae Grigorescu - cheerful peasant woman (1894) - National Gallery, Bucharest
Be convened in 1877 to accompany the Romanian army as a "painter of war", making the spot battles to Rahova Grivitza and drawings and sketches, which will form the basis of compositions.
From 1879 until 1890, working mainly in France or in Brittany in Vitré, either in his studio in Paris. Returned to the country several solo exhibitions open at Romanian Athenaeum between 1891 and 1904.
1890 is set at Campina and is dedicated mostly rustic subjects, in an endless variation of the ground, painting portraits of peasant girls, who steers with the dusty country roads and many landscapes typical Romanian. In 1899 appointed honorary member of the Romanian Academy.
Nicolae Grigorescu dies on July 21, 1907 in Campina. The workshop, on the easel, was his last work, unfinished, Return of the fair.
Traducere din Română în Engleză
Nicolae Grigorescu was born in the village Pitaru (Dambovita county), was the sixth child of John and Mary Grigorescu. In 1845, when the father dies, his family moved to Bucharest in slums brickyard in a house frosted. After an early apprenticeship (1848-1850), the Czech artist Anton Chladek workshop, running icons for churches and monastery Băicoi Caldarusani. In 1856 Michael made the historic composition of dropping the banner, which has Prince Barbu Stirbei, together with a petition requesting financial aid for studies. In the years 1856-1857 he painted the new church of the monastery Zamfira (Prahova county), then by the year 1861, Agapia minster. MK's intervention, she appreciates the quality of painting, receiving a scholarship to study in Paris.
In autumn 1861, young Grigorescu left for Paris, enter the School of Fine Arts, attending Sebastien Cornu's studio, where Renoir colleague. Aware of his own artistic deficiencies in the band, will study first the design and composition.
Nicolae Grigorescu - fishermen at Granville (1884) - Collection Dr Dona
But soon leave this workshop and artistic concepts drawn from the Barbizon School, is established in this city, completing his education painter by assimilating the experience of artists like Millet, Corot, Gustave Courbet and Théodore Rousseau. Influenced by this artistic environment, Grigorescu is concerned about the acquisition of innovative ways of artistic expression in worship atmosphere for painting "en plein-air, close to asserting that prepares Impressionists. Under the "Universal Exhibition in Paris (1867), part seven works exhibit at the Paris Salon of 1868 painting Young Gypsy, returns several times in the country and, since 1870, participating in exhibitions of living artists and those organized The "Arts Amica Bellelor. In the years 1873-1874 made study tours in Italy (Rome, Naples, Pompeii), Greece and Vienna.
Nicolae Grigorescu - cheerful peasant woman (1894) - National Gallery, Bucharest
Be convened in 1877 to accompany the Romanian army as a "painter of war", making the spot battles to Rahova Grivitza and drawings and sketches, which will form the basis of compositions.
From 1879 until 1890, working mainly in France or in Brittany in Vitré, either in his studio in Paris. Returned to the country several solo exhibitions open at Romanian Athenaeum between 1891 and 1904.
1890 is set at Campina and is dedicated mostly rustic subjects, in an endless variation of the ground, painting portraits of peasant girls, who steers with the dusty country roads and many landscapes typical Romanian. In 1899 appointed honorary member of the Romanian Academy.
Nicolae Grigorescu dies on July 21, 1907 in Campina. The workshop, on the easel, was his last work, unfinished, Return of the fair.
Romanina version
Iata cateva informati despre Nicolae Grigorescu:Nicolae Grigorescu se naște în satul Pitaru (județul Dâmbovița), fiind al șaselea copil al lui Ion și al Mariei Grigorescu. În 1845, când îi moare tatăl, familia se mută la București, în mahalaua Cărămidarilor, în casa unei mătușe. După o timpurie ucenicie (1848-1850), în atelierul pictorului ceh Anton Chladek, execută icoane pentru bisericile din Băicoi și mănăstirea Căldărușani. În 1856 realizează compoziția istorică Mihai scăpând stindardul, pe care o prezintă domnitorului Barbu Știrbei, împreună cu o petiție prin care solicită ajutor financiar pentru studii. În anii 1856-1857 pictează biserica nouă a mănăstirii Zamfira (județul Prahova), apoi, până în anul 1861, biserica mănăstirii Agapia. La intervenția lui Mihail Kogălniceanu, care îi apreciază calitatea picturii, primește o bursă pentru a studia la Paris.
În toamna anului 1861, tânărul Grigorescu pleacă la Paris unde intră la Școala de Belle-Arte, frecventând atelierul lui Sebastien Cornu, unde este coleg cu Renoir. Conștient de propriile-i lacune în formația artistică, va studia în primul rând desenul și compoziția.
Nicolae Grigorescu - Pescăriţă la Granville (1884) - Colecţia Doctor Dona
Părăsește însă curând acest atelier și, atras de concepțiile artistice ale Școlii de la Barbizon, se stabilește în această localitate, desăvârșindu-și educația pictorală prin asimilarea experienței unor artiști ca Millet, Corot, Gustave Courbet și Théodore Rousseau. Influențat de acest mediu artistic, Grigorescu este preocupat de însușirea unor modalități artistice novatoare de expresie în atmosfera cultului pentru pictura "en plein-air", ce pregătește apropiata afirmare a impresioniștilor. În cadrul "Expoziției Universale" de la Paris (1867), participă cu șapte lucrări, expune la Salonul parizian din 1868 tabloul Tânără țigancă, revine de câteva ori în țară și, începând din 1870, participă la Expozițiile artiștilor în viață și la cele organizate de "Societatea Amicilor Bellelor-Arte". În anii 1873-1874 face călătorii de studii în Italia (Roma, Napoli, Pompei), Grecia și la Viena.
Nicolae Grigorescu - Ţărancă voioasă (1894) - Galeria Naţională, Bucureşti
În 1877 este convocat să însoțească armata română în calitate de "pictor de front", realizând la fața locului în luptele de la Grivița și Rahova desene și schițe, ce vor sta la baza unor compoziții.
Din 1879 până în 1890, lucrează îndeosebi în Franța, fie în Bretagne la Vitré, fie în atelierul său din Paris. Revenit în țară, deschide mai multe expoziții personale la Ateneul Român între anii 1891 și 1904.
Din 1890 se stabilește la Câmpina și se dedică preponderent subiectelor rustice, într-o nesfârșită variație a motivului, pictează potrete de țărănci, care cu boi pe drumuri prăfuite de țară și numeroase peisaje cu specific românesc. În 1899 este numit membru de onoare al Academiei Române.
Nicolae Grigorescu se stinge din viață la 21 iulie 1907 la Câmpina. În atelier, pe șevalet, se afla ultima sa lucrare, neterminată, Întoarcerea de la bâlci.
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